What Are The Grounds To Contesting a Will?

When you lose someone you love, it’s a difficult and trying time to get through. One of the saddest parts of such a loss is that individuals can suddenly become focused on personal gain when it comes to the issue of the will. Especially when the will was either written or amended when the person you have lost was potentially not of sound mind and body. This and other grounds to contesting a will can and do crop up.

In this situation, you need to know what the grounds are for contesting this document so that you can make sure that the wishes of your lost loved one are carried out as they would have wanted and not taken advantage of.

Understanding the reasons for contesting

When you look up how to contest a will, you will most likely be bombarded with legal jargon that can easily confuse you if you yourself are not from a professional legal background. In the face of this, it can feel like giving up is easier than trying to navigate the law around the leaving on wills, but you must press on in order to get justice for your loved one.

To help you out, this article has broken down what some of the grounds for contesting a will are in simple terms, as follows:

Testamentary Capacity

Testamentary capacity refers to when the individual in question made the will and whether or not they are the following.

  1. They understood they were making a will and the effect of that will.
  2. The person knows the value of their estate
  3. He/she understands the consequences of leaving someone out/including someone in their will.

This last point is especially important. For instance, say your loved one is a family member who would have wanted to leave money to support your family. Then, in their last days, they did not. They wouldn’t be of the sound mind to understand that you were relying on that support to get by.

Lack of valid execution

This refers to the legality of a will and its signing. A will requires the signatures/presence of at least two witnesses and the signature of the testator themselves. If you think this isn’t the case, then you have grounds to contest the legality of the will.

Undue influence

This is something that is potentially hard to contest on because it requires hard evidence. However, it is not impossible and does happen.

Undue influence is when the testator deals with coercion in some way, either through kindness or threat. In turn, this coercion leads to amendments to their will which they wouldn’t do without such influence. Chances of contesting a will, in this case, will depend on the evidence you have, and the circumstances of each individual situation.

Fraudulent or Forged wills

Fraudulent wills can occur in a number of circumstances. For example, say that someone writes the will on their behalf and subsequently wrote themselves into it. This would be a fraudulent activity. Alternatively, if someone spoke to the deceased as they wrote the will. In turn, they persuade them to leave someone out or write themselves in. That, too, would be a fraud and make the will invalid upon contestation.

How to Tell If a Will is Fraudulent

Is Your Will Fraudulent? We can reveal the signs that it is. A commission of fraud with a Will is in many cases very difficult to prove. Nevertheless, these acts of fraudulence are a reality. But is your will fraudulent?

In truth, there’s a variety of reasons why the last Will of a testator might not be valid.

Perhaps there was coercion in some way, or their signature is shown to be a forgery.

In other cases, the testator is simply not of the right mind as they construct and sign the will. For example, if the testator had Dementia when the will undergoes an update. That alone is enough for the courts to consider the Will invalid.

If a Will is fraudulent, then an earlier version of the Will may be the one the law deems valid. If there is no such Will, it’s likely that the government will take over regarding dictating who the beneficiaries are.

How Can You Tell If a Will is Fraudulent?

There are a few warning signs that you should look out for when determining whether a Will is fraudulent or not. Just because the Will doesn’t leave you what you thought you deserve doesn’t automatically make it fraudulent. Some key examples of fraud include the following.

  1. Complete destruction of the original Will. Subsequently leaving behind a newer revision that is suspicious to family members.
  2. Signature of the Will is either by force, forgery or fakery. You will need to provide examples of their real signature to submit into evidence, though this doesn’t always result in a Will being fraudulent.
  3. The Will does not have a witness present at signing, or lacks a witness signature.
  4. There are extenuating circumstances that indicate the tricking or coercion of a testator into signing this new Will.
  5. If a caregiver takes care of all the testator’s needs for many years. Thereafter, the Will is unreasonably favouring towards them.
  6. The Will was not made with legal counsel on hand; it was instead made at home.
  7. The Will undergoes changes when the testator was in a hospital or made when they were not of sound mind.

What to Do if You Believe a Will is Fraudulent?

If you believe the Will is fraudulent, you must first have the right to contest a will. But who can contest a Will? Generally speaking, spouses, civil partners, and blood relatives can contest a Will.

However, some non-blood relative exceptions became valid by law in recent years. A surrogate child/adoptee, for example, in all but name can also contest a Will.

If you believe that a Will is fraudulent you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Contact Will Dispute Lawyers to see if you have a case.
  2. Gather Evidence that supports your claim that the Will is fraudulent.
  3. Acquire Witness Reports that corroborate the evidence that the testator was not in sound mind or otherwise subject to coercion.
  4. Choose Settlement or Pursue Legal Action to acquire what you believe is a fair deal.

It is important to note that it is very difficult to contest a fraudulent Will. Be very careful in collecting as much evidence and testimonies as you can.

Five Best Ways to Contest a Parent’s Will

Though it seems like it is obvious that a deceased parent should want to leave behind their estate to their children it is not a legal requirement in the UK. In fact, in the UK adult children often receive nothing.*

Recipient(s) of the money and estate instead will depend on who was financially dependent on the late party. In this case, the spouse or children under the age of 18.

Why Would You Need to Contest a Parent’s Will

If you believe you were unfairly left out of your parent’s Will, you do have the right to contest the matter. There are many reasons why you will need to contest. Perhaps the will was not updated to reflect the deceased’s evolving family situation, or perhaps the will was updated when the parent has Dementia or was otherwise not in their right mind.

Circumstances Where You Should Contest a Parent’s Will

As stated before, in most cases self-sufficient adult children will not receive assets from their parent’s estate unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Will. If, however, the deceased did not have a married spouse or civil partner, then the estate should transfer to their next of kin.

If They Had Mental Illness or Disease like Dementia

Dementia and other mental illnesses that take away a person’s right of mind. Also, it renders useless their ability to make rational decisions are taken into consideration by the courts. Dementia and these other illnesses, however, can be difficult to prove as they fluctuate. If your parent updates their Will on a “good day”**, then updates to their Will are valid. However, if they update the Will when they were having a relapse, you can contest it.

If there is a Cause for Suspicion

There are a few signs of fraudulence you should know of. Though difficult to prove, you can win the right to instal a previous will if you do. Some examples of fraudulence include:

  1. A signature that is not your parent’s but a forgery
  2. Trickery or coercion occurring in your parent’s life before their death
  3. Missing a witness signature or lack of legal representation when making the Will

You will need to compile a lot of evidence and witness reports in order to prove a Will is fraudulent. If you succeed, you can request to instal the terms of the previous version of the Will (if it exists).

How Long to Contest a Will?

If you suspect there was fraudulent activity surrounding your loved one and their last Will, you will want to contact a lawyer before the Will is entered into Probate. You will then need to go to Probate Court to fight for your case. Otherwise, you can proceed by contesting a Will after probate, so long as you rely on legal representatives to fight for your case.

In most cases, a settlement should resolve your issues. If not, you can take the matter to court.


*Unless the Will explicitly states that the deceased children are to be included when dividing up their assets

**A good day is where they have for the most part full control of themselves.

Conflicting Wills: What to Do If There’s More Than One Will

Though one of the worst-case scenarios when a loved one dies is that they leave you without a Will, the opposite can be just as problematic. When there are many Wills left by the testator, how do you choose which one is valid? Indeed, conflicting wills present a myriad of conflicts and confusion.

Why Would Your Family Member Even Have Conflicting Wills?

Your family member could have multiple Wills for a few reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Revisions.
  2. Execution of New Will.

There are a few reasons why they would execute a new will. For example, to simply create a more comprehensive and easy-to-understand document. Especially if their previous Will contains too many revisions. What to Do If There’s More Than One Will? Sort out conflicting wills with The Inheritance Experts

With Conflicting Wills, Which Will Is Valid?

In most cases with conflicting wills, the valid Will is often the most recent one. If there is any issue, the matter might be resolved in what is known as Probate Court. Once the Court declares this Will valid, that Will becomes the “last Will and Testament.” In turn, they revoke all previous Wills and revisions.

If there are challenges to this will they will need to be made before the Probate Court’s final decision. Some valid reasons for contesting the use of the final version of the Will include the following.

  1. There exists a belief that the Will is a forgery. In a similar vein, the Will was written under coercion/undue influence.
  2. Another good reason is that there’s a suspicion of the validity of the Will itself.
  3. The testator (i.e. the family member who subsequently dies) updates their Will when not in the right mind. For example, if they have Dementia.

It’s difficult to prove the latest Will version was made either under false pretences or in unsound mind. It is up to you or your lawyer to compile the necessary evidence in advance to help you win your case.

When Happens if There Are Challenges to This Will?

What happens when you contest a Will is that it will go to court. If you need help with challenging a Will UK, it is always best to seek out legal advice first. Going in without a reasonable chance of winning could result in a huge personal financial loss.

Choose instead to find solicitors who offer a contesting a will No Win, No Fee service. Accordingly, you can ensure you have a good case against the latest Will and can win.

How Can You Avoid This Confusion?

A good way to help family members avoid such confusion and trauma through an estate is to destroy all previous versions. You can also write “Void” on them, but that doesn’t mean they can’t still be of use to contest your last Will and Testament.

Therefore, it’s best to avoid the situation entirely by removing previous Wills from the equation. If your family members do contest your final Will, they will need to take it up with the courts and prove not just their relationship, but their dependency on your financials.

By removing all other Will revisions from the equation, however, you change the game. Moreover, you should be able to safely and successfully have your wishes brought to fruition.

Six Ways to Solve Will Disputes Within a Family

There are many different reasons that Will Disputes can arise within a family. Here are six ways that you can solve will disputes within your family. Contesting a Will UK differs from country to country, so you will want to contact Will and Probate solicitors for further advice based on where the decades lived within the UK.

To solve will disputes, it seems, you might even bring your family closer together. But we’re getting really confident here: let’s take care of the basics first.

1. To solve will disputes, first: determine if there is a Will

If there is a Will, then that means that your loved one has their official wishes on the record and in a document. This alleviates some (but not all) tension: the law often respects their wishes with a will. In turn, no judge needs to divide the assets according to what the law deems is fair. To avoid (and solve) a will dispute, you need a valid one to analyse in the first place.

What happens when contesting a Will is contested is that the matter is sometimes taken up in the courts. A settlement can occur beforehand, yes, but the final matter if pressed will be determined in a court of law. Again: that’s if there is a Will.

Solve Will Disputes

2. And there is a Delay in the Execution of the Will

Every Will should have named an Executor. This Executor will then need to apply for Probate or the equivalent of wherever the deceased (testator) lived. This will give them the right and ability to settle the testator’s affairs and to carry out the Will as the decades wished.

A dispute can occur on the executor if the person in question takes too long in assuming their role. Though there is no legal time limit, a year is often seen as customary. If the Executor takes longer, the family members can then apply to the courts to have a deadline applied to enforce the Executor to act.

3. And there is a Disagreement About the Estate

In general, Britons will dispute a will if they don’t like what they see within it.

If there is a disagreement regarding the Estate about how it is being split amongst the beneficiaries, then there are a few ways to resolve the matter.

For example, say that all the children of the testator receive the family home. In turn, there could be issues as to who actually owns the home. There are most often two common resolutions:

  1. The property can put into liquidation, leading to a sharing of the price
  2. One child could buy out their siblings. Accordingly, this way the siblings will receive their portion while one child will receive the property.

4. And There is a Disagreement in the Will

If there is a disagreement in the Will, for example, you believe you have been unfairly excluded, then you will need to make your case to the courts. An unmarried spouse, for example, can claim financial dependency and win a portion of the Estate as they were under the testator’s care.

It is important to remember, however, that when contesting a Will this way you must prove financial need. Adult children who were left out of the Will who are self-sufficient rarely win in these cases.

5. And If There is a Cause for Suspicion About the Will

If there is any cause for suspicion about the Will, you will need to prove it. The burden of proof is on you, and therefore you will need to acquire evidence and witness testimonies and present your case in court. If it is determined there has been unfair play an earlier version of the Will may be used.

6. If There Isn’t a Will to Solve Will Disputes

If there isn’t a Will, then the law will determine how the assets will be given out. You will need to take your case to court in order to receive a portion of the testator’s estate.

What to Do if You’ve Been Left Out of a Will

Dying family members leave behind a lot more than just an empty hole in their lives. They also, in many cases, leave a Will. A Will is a legal document that explicitly states how the testator wishes to divide their assets amongst the people they love. But sometimes, family members get left out of a will.

What to Do if You’ve Been Left Out of a Will?
The testator does not, however, have to leave their estate to their dependents. They can instead leave it to whoever they wish, which can in some cases mean your exclusion from it.

You may have reason to suspect that this was a mistake, or that you’re a victim of exclusion from a will. For example, exclusion might happen because you marry your spouse after their Will’s last update. You’ll need to take your case to court in order to prove your claim.

When You’re Left Out of a Will, Can You Contest It?

The first thing to know is how to contest after you’ve been left out of a Will. The Inheritance Act 1975 lays down clear rules on who can and cannot contest a Will. Therefore, to have the right to contest the execution of a Will, you must be one of the following:

  1. The legal spouse or civil partner of the testator.
  2. The former spouse or civil partner of the testator (if they don’t re-marry).
  3. A child of the testator.
  4. A surrogate child of the family, be it blood relation or not.
  5. Anyone the testator maintains or cares for.

When Can You Contest a Will?

You can only contest a Will in England and Wales if the testator was a resident and residing in these countries when they die. Although this may change in the future.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter where you, the claimant, live.

What Will You Need to Do If You Contest a Will

If you’re left out of a will, what you need to do depends on your relationship to the testator. A spouse or civil partner can contest the Will, and the court will often conduct “the divorce test.” In other words, they go through the theoretical process of divorce.

How much you could receive in that situation is often what a dependent spouse could hope to receive. The court will consider:

  1. The length of the marriage.
  2. The contribution made by you towards the home and family.

What you can receive will also depend on:

  1. Your current financial situation and needs.
  2. The current financial situation and the needs of other claimants.
  3. The obligations and responsibilities the testator has towards the other beneficiaries.
  4. Disabilities held by all the claimants and beneficiaries.
  5. The size of the estate.
  6. Other relevant information that is unique to each case.

What is the Likelihood of Success?

The short answer is that, unless you can prove financial dependency on the testator, there is a slim chance of winning. Self-sufficient adult children who were left out of the Will have a very small chance of winning due to their circumstances.

What You Should Do Next

When it comes to challenging a Will, it’s always wise to hire legal counsel. We will help you determine whether or not you have a case. Then, we’ll fight for you to receive your right to inclusion in the Will.

What is the Difference Between a Will and a Probate?

There is a lot of confusion that arises when a family member dies. One such question that is on a lot of people’s minds is the Will and Probate difference. Which is which? How can you tell them apart? What is the purpose of each?

Below, we’ll take the time to explain the differences.

Inheritance Disputes can happen, so it's important to know the difference from a will and a probate

What is a Will?

In the UK, a Will is a legal document that you create and keep updated throughout your lifetime in the event of your death. Its purpose is to insist parties respect your wishes when it comes to who does and does not get left your estate. In the UK, you do not legally have to leave your dependents in your will.

Whether you do this for personal or practical reasons is up to you. A dependent can later contest your will if they prove financial need. But for the most part, all Wills command respect and those you want to leave your estate, also known as your Beneficiaries, receive what you give them.

You can do more in your will than just name your Beneficiaries as well. For example, you can also name who you wish to execute your Will, known as the Executor. You can also name the legal guardians for your dependent children, as well as funeral preferences.

What is Intestate?

Intestate is what happens when you die without a Will. When this happens, it is the law that decides who amongst your family members receives your estate. This could also mean portions of your estate go to the government. Having a Will, therefore, is imperative for the law to respect your wishes.

What is Probate?

Probate is part of the process after you die, but it is different from a Will. Probate is the legal process that follows your death and often occurs before your Estate is managed. In short, the purpose of the Probate is to appoint Personal Representatives to deal with your assets.

In turn, these personal reps have their own responsibilities.

  1. Finalise all bills and pending accounts.
  2. Pay off all outstanding debts.
  3. Sell or transfer property as required or as written out in the Will.
  4. Gather assets from different locations to execute the Will.
  5. Liquidate if necessary the estate into monetary value.
  6. Calculate and pay the remaining income tax.
  7. Tabulate and pay the Inheritance Tax (if applicable).
  8. Execute the will and distribute the estate to the beneficiaries.

In short, Probate is the process where someone applies to gain control over the deceased’s (testator’s) assets for the purpose of finalising their debt and executing their Will. Accordingly, if the testator names an Executor in their Will, this person will often need to apply for Probate within a year.

There can be cases where someone else wants to contest probate, in which case the matter will need to be settled legally. We can help you win your right to execute your testator’s will. Contact us today to see if you have a case.

When Does Probate Become Necessary?

Probate is necessary in most cases, regardless of whether there is a Will or not. They are not necessary for two specific scenarios.

  1. A spouse is alive, and they own the assets jointly with the testator.
  2. Comparatively, the testator had a small estate.

Otherwise, you will need Probate to administer the estate. If you do not the estate will remain in limbo. You will need to apply to become the Probate through the government’s website. We can help you through this process, however. Moreover, we’ll deal with the Government as well as the HMRC for you.

Is There a Time Limit to Contesting a Will?

The time limit to contesting a will starts with one thing: the contents of the will itself.

In the vast majority of cases, we administer a will according to the wishes of the deceased (testator). In those instances with no will, the rules of intestacy will apply. However, in some cases, there are situations where someone wishes to contest and has grounds for challenging a will.

There are a number of reasons why you may be considering contesting a will. But it’s worth understanding that there are a number of relevant time factors to account for. Depending on your reasons for contesting a will, you will have to assess those time limits. That way, you can understand if you have a legal claim that can be made. This is a determination by your reasons for challenging the will.

The Inheritance Act

To determine a time limit to contesting a will, The Inheritance Act is the biggest player in inheritance legislation.

In truth, the majority of time limits that apply when you’re contesting a will rest on a number of factors. But most will disputes come in accordance with the Inheritance Act. This Act gives you six months from the date of the probate to express your interest in contesting a will. However, there are some cases where the Act doesn’t apply, and you may have more time to make your claim.

Financial Provision Claims

Because the Inheritance Act covers these disputes, they must also be made within six months of the probate. Special permission may be granted by a court if you have reasons for contesting a will after probate.

Investigate to see if there's a time limit to contesting a will

Claims of Rectification

In some cases of inheritance disputes, the issue is the result of an administrative or clerical error. As with other forms of will contesting, these too will require your claim being made within the six months of the probate date.

Claims against an estate

These are covered under Section 22 of the Limitation Act. These claims can be made up to twelve years after the date of death, although this Act states that six years is the usual time limit to contest a will. Often, these cases go to court due to the failure to deliver on the part of the executor of the will. It’s important that you make your claim as early as possible in order to minimise the potential losses or changes to the estate. If you wait too long, the court may decide that you have lost your chance to dispute the will.

Fraud claims

Fraudulence with Wills is relatively rare. But a provision exists for those wishing to make a claim according to what they believe is fraudulent

  • activity occurring within the will, or;
  • execution of a will.

There are no time limits for those wishing to make a claim for fraudulent activity in will disputes.

Probate stipulations

When the court issues the probate, then you’ll find it much wiser to make your claim as early as possible. If you act early enough then it may be possible for your legal team to issue a Caveat on the estate which will prevent the probate from being issued. This will prevent any distribution or disposal of any assets, thus simplifying the legal process.

If you believe that you have a valid reason to contest a claim, then it’s essential that you seek legal advice as soon as possible. The faster that you begin the claim process, the more likely it will be that you will be able to access the estate in cases of disputed items or finances.

See more Inheritance news and advice here.

Who Can Challenge a Will?

For those with minimal legal knowledge, wills can be complex areas to consider. These considerations complicate matters in those cases where parties try to figure out who can challenge a Will. There’s a number of reasons why someone might contest a will, but not everyone can do so.

There are clear legal guidelines stipulating just who can challenge a will, and if you do not fit it into any of the following categories then you may not be allowed to pursue your challenge. If you do feel that you need to challenge a will, knowing just who is legally allowed to do so could save you both time and expense.

Family Members

The main group with legal permission to challenge a will are family members. It could be that they are hoping to restore an earlier version of the will. Alternatively, it’s possible they’d ask a court to declare that the current will is invalid.

This second challenge is usually in cases of ensuring that the rules of intestacy become applicable. It is worth considering the area of bloodline relations, also. Blood family members (rather than marriage) can make their challenges with the backing of the Inheritance Act.

Will Beneficiaries

If you’re a beneficiary of a will and its executors fail to grant you your inheritance, then you’ll most likely be able to make a claim for will disputes. If the executor of a will does not carry out their duties, the law considers them to be acting unreasonably. In short, the executor isn’t fulfilling their function in terms of distributing the estate.

Previous beneficiaries of earlier wills

Wills often receive regular updates. Accordingly, you might fear that a later version of the will doesn’t benefit you adequately.

But you may be able to contest the will. This can be a difficult area to proceed in. Accordingly, there are a number of issues that will need an assessment before you move forward. Such as providing proof of previous versions. Always discuss this option with experienced legal professionals.

Who can challenge a will?

If you are a creditor

If the testator owes you money, you should always look at obtaining legal advice as quickly as possible. You will have to ascertain whether there’s been the issuance of a Section 27 Notice. That’s because this will help support your grounds for contesting a will. If so, the process for making your claim to recoup those unpaid debts is much smoother.

Unmet Promises

If the testator promises you will receive something from their will, you’ve reason to expect it. But they might not follow through on that promise. As a result, you may be able to contest the will if you suddenly find that they back out on their promises.

Unmet promises, in fact, are one of the most common reasons to contest a will. Especially if the claimant is able to show they were relying on that money or those items.

Reasonable Provision

If you count on the testator financially, you can make a claim of Reasonable Provision. You do not have to be related to the deceased in order to make this will dispute type. If the will provides for you in terms of finances or accommodation, reasonable provision is possible in the Inheritance Act.

Now you know Who Can Challenge a Will!

In any legal situation, act quickly. In short, the quicker that you get advice from will dispute solicitors, the faster you’ll reach a satisfying conclusion. If you feel that you have valid reasons to challenge a will, determine which category of challenge you wish to pursue. Then discuss the next steps with your legal advisors.

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